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Our History

Our History


On 2 July 1988 a public meeting attended by about thirty people who were concerned by the direction the Anglican Church was taking was held at the old Post Office, Cottesloe.  As a result of the meeting a “Hills group” was formed which met at the Red Cross Hall at Boya, where its first service (Mattins) was held on 24 July 1988.  Nine people were present.  This was the beginning of St Andrew’s. There was no music, little in the way of ornaments or furnishings and an RSL lecture or speaker’s stand was borrowed to provide a lectern. 

In November 1988 Bishop Albert Haley was due to visit Perth.  As it was thought that both Boya and Cottesloe were inadequate, on 27 November 1988 he celebrated the Holy Eucharist at “Falls Farm” for a combined congregation of thirty.

At the first Synod of the Church, held at Waroona on 2 December 1989, a petition for the establishment of a provisional parish, to be known as the Parish of St Andrew’s, based at Lesmurdie, was received and endorsed with a recommendation to the Bishop that it be granted. 

The necessary approval was given by Bishop Haley at the second Synod which was held at St Ninian’s, Susan Street, Maylands, on 19 March 1990.  The new parish, which originally was to have been under the patronage of St Augustine, was established with effect from 22 April 1990.

The parishioners of St Andrew’s still worship at “Falls Farm”, Cagney Way, Lesmurdie.


Before Fr Brian was ordained a priest in December 2004, he had been approached by Roly Stinson, a parishioner of St Ninian’s, Maylands, who suggested that he might consider founding a parish close to Applecross, where Roly and his wife, Gwenda, lived, as it was becoming increasingly difficult for them to travel to St Ninian’s, because of their age and state of health.

After exploring several possibilities, Fr Brian decided to found a provisional parish (St Paul’s) at Armadale, with a “daughter” parish at Brentwood (St Peter’s), which would meet at the Scout Hall there (as recommended by Roly).

On 2 January 2005, at 8am, a service of Holy Communion was held at the Scout Hall, and at 10.30am, a service was held at Westfield, Armadale.

As the growth was at St Peter’s, it was decided to amalgamate the two parishes.  This occurred on 30 June 2008 when St Paul’s was amalgamated with St Peter’s.

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